SMGA Event Cancellation Policy

We sometimes must cancel a scheduled event due to weather.  We try to provide notice as far in advance as possible, but it is often somewhat of a judgement call because some people live very near the course, have private carts with wind screens and heaters, and can play under adverse conditions, while others have a long commute, can’t play if it is cart path only, or just won’t play in extremely hot or cold temperatures.


If you are signed up as of 3:00 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the Wednesday event, you will be charged the event fee, unless the event is cancelled.  If the event is cancelled, no one gets charged the event fee.

  1. The event will be cancelled before tee-off if there is a delay of more than 30 minutes.
  2. The event will be cancelled after tee-off if there is a rain or lightning delay of more than 30 minutes.


Revised 6/28/2021