Two Man Teams (AB & CD) Alternate Shot (Wed, October 23)
The tee sheet has not yet been released to the league portal.
Confirmed Players (40)
Anderson, Don
Anderson, Donny
Benson, Curt
Brockett, John
Brown, Todd
Bulkeley, Michael
Burch, Wendell
Burgess, Jim
Carithers, Ken
Catlow, James
Christensen, Larry
Clark, Pete
DellAntonia, Jon
Eubanks, Jay
Featherstone, Jim
Foster, Ken
Garcia, Aldo
George, Tom
Harmon, Ed
Harris, Jerry
Higgins, Dave
Holec, Don
Jaglinski, Dennis
Keasler, Robin
Lanning, Larry
Martin, Daryl
Mehall, David
Mize, Mitch
Moneta, Tom
Obenour, Jerry
Paulk, Morris
Powell, Tom
Robicheaux, Larry
Rohlich, Gerry
Smith, Jim
Strube, Jack
Trapp, Ed
Wadsworth, Bill
Whalen, Gene
Williams, Steve